New video game consoles only drop every so often, and when they do, it’s a huge deal. During normal times, people line up outside of major retailers for hours to snag a coveted new console. However, in the time of Coronavirus, the madness of new console releases has happened almost exclusively online. That means a lot of action in the eCommerce world, and consequently, a lot of action in the shipping world. Whether you’re a retailer needing to fulfill a video game console you sold, or you’re simply sending one as a gift to a (very) lucky friend, you shouldn’t run into any issues. You can send consoles both domestically and internationally…but for international shipments, you may want to research the country you’re shipping to before making any moves.
USPS Allows for the International Shipment of Video Game Consoles, but Always Double-Check the Destination Country
While there’s nothing that would prevent you from shipping a console within the United States, every country is different. Some countries place restrictions on certain consumer goods that others don’t. Some countries even have drastically different maximum size and weight limits for incoming shipments. The point is: depending on where you’re shipping to, all the rules vary. So, before you send out that brand new PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X, we suggest doing some research to make sure you’re doing everything the proper way.
The best way to see whether or not your destination country accepts video game consoles is to check the USPS Individual Country Listings.
Controllers May Contain Lithium Ion Batteries
While you won’t likely run into any problems with the consoles themselves, you might hit rough waters with the controllers. All modern video game controllers are wireless and retain an electrical charge to power them, which means they contain lithium ion batteries. USPS considers lithium ion batteries hazardous materials that require specific shipping practices. As a result, you’ll face more restrictions when it comes to sending them…especially for international shipments.
Technically, you can ship lithium ion batteries internationally if they are pre-installed in the equipment they power. Lithium ion batteries are pre-installed inside of video game controllers, so you’re good here. However, some countries still restrict the importation of lithium ion batteries altogether. That’s yet another reason to go back to the USPS Individual Country listings and do your research before sending anything out.
For more information on shipping lithium ion batteries, check out this guide we put together.
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